Organic Heirloom Seedlings
All plants are $3.50
each. (plus tax)
**If a plant is sold out we will notify you well before
pick up**
We cannot supply large retail orders and our plants are
not for resale.
Pick up dates are May 5, 6, & 8 between 10am and 6pm. Please let me know which day you plan to
pick up your seedlings when you order. ( If you order Broccoli, Leeks, or Cabbage we can schedule an April pick up)
In Western PA, we
recommend holding off until the end of May or Early June to begin planting herbs,
tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, tomatillo, and ground cherries. If you do plant early, plan to watch the
weather and cover your plants if there is a chance of frost.
Based on the estimated growth of our plants, some of our herbs are limited to one per person. Other herbs will be sold as 2, 3, or 4 per pot (for the price of one plant). Please check plant information below.
Based on the estimated growth of our plants, some of our herbs are limited to one per person. Other herbs will be sold as 2, 3, or 4 per pot (for the price of one plant). Please check plant information below.
blue links for more information.
Update: We are already sold out of some varieties. Please check each plant for more infomation.
Update: We are already sold out of some varieties. Please check each plant for more infomation.
~ Prolific Plum
(New- Melody Acres Exclusive)Very Productive plum tomato with great disease
resistance! Vigorous and strong, producing very heavy yields of
picture-perfect, thick-walled fruit with deep red color and mild flavor. A good
choice for canning. Determinate • Vigorous • 4-6 oz.
~ Dr. Oxheart (Melody Acres Exclusive!) – Mild tasting pink
Oxheart, medium size. Old family heirloom seed from Italy were given to Melody
Acres last year to germinate. We are
proud to offer such a rare heirloom in our collection.
~ Orange Grape Orange with sensational juicy, sweet flavor. Finally an
organic rival for the beloved Sungold! A medium-sized orange grape with
slightly thicker skin than Sungold.
~ Indigo Rose Stunning edible and ornamental tomato that ripens to jet black with purple
tinged foliage. Clusters of
6-8 firm ebony fruits. Vigorous and disease-resistant. Bred by Dr. Jim Myers
through the high-flavonoid breeding program at OSU. PVP Semi-determinate • Good
container variety • 2-2.5 oz
~ Black Trifele Striking,
unique pear-shaped tomato with narrow
~ Ralphie’s Oxheart – (Melody Acres Exclusive.) Large prolific pink tomato with green shoulders. Sweet meaty tomato with very few seeds. It is not unusual for these tomatoes to get over 2lbs each! Pick when just starting to turn pink and allow to ripen inside. This is hands down the best tasting tomato we sell!
green shoulders and purple-black color. A farmers’ market and garden favorite with smooth, meaty, velvety texture. Gourmet flavor is often described as dense, smoky, chocolatey. You may, for a moment, forget that you are merely tasting a tomato.
~ Ralphie’s Oxheart – (Melody Acres Exclusive.) Large prolific pink tomato with green shoulders. Sweet meaty tomato with very few seeds. It is not unusual for these tomatoes to get over 2lbs each! Pick when just starting to turn pink and allow to ripen inside. This is hands down the best tasting tomato we sell!
~ King of the North Red
Bell Reliable set of green to glossy red fruits in short seasons. Improved for a
higher percentage of blocky, thick-walled, early ripening peppers each with
three to four lobes. Known for its ability to produce good sized peppers in
short, cool seasons. Strong plants support heavy yields. Early • Upright habit
• 3-4” fruits.
Ground Cherry
~ Listada di Gandia Stunning magenta-striped Italian eggplant for
a beautiful display. Very productive plants produce
abundant tender, delicious fruits with unusually thin skin. Egg-shaped petite
fruits fit in the palm of your hand and are great for smaller portions. Holds
its color even at large sizes. Gourmet appeal • 3-5” fruit.
~ Little Finger Slender, petite eggplants fantastic for grilling. Dark purple skin is thin and tender. Flesh has a silky texture with
few seeds and mildly sweet flavor needing very little cooking time. Harvest
when fruit is young and glossy. A great variety for large containers! Early •
Productive • 3-6” fruit.
~ Copenhagen Compact heirloom
for home gardens and direct markets. Solid heads are somewhat variable in size ranging from 3-4
lbs and 6-8" in diameter with uniform maturity. Compact plants sit close
to the ground, handy for smaller gardens. Heads hold well before and after
harvest. Great for slow cooking, slaws and sauerkraut! Unavailabile in 2016.
Early and adaptable · 3-4 lb heads (Brassica oleracea)
Days to maturity: 65 days SOLD OUT
Medicinal and Culinary Herbs (NEW)
are now offering a great selection of flavorful culinary types and popular
medicinal varieties. *Notice: All statements listed are for historical
information only and are not approved by the FDA. Seek the advice of a
qualified health professional before using any herbs for medicinal purposes.
~Marjoram( Many per pot)(Origanum
majorana) A mild, sweet relative of oregano excellent fresh or dried;
essential for pizza sauce! Can be overwintered outdoors successfully or
potted up in fall for fresh herbs all winter. Easy to dry, just harvest stems
and hang in bundles. Leaves can be easily stripped off when dry. Good container
plant · Tender perennial Open pollinated SOLD OUT
~Petite Marigold (2 per pot) Very
dwarf mixture of the crested French Marigolds; plants only grow to 10"-
12" tall. Bright colors. Easy to grow, even in small pots.
~ Frances’ Choice Marigold (Tagetes patula) Large- grows to over 3’ tall. Dramatic and incredibly prolific hedge type marigold with golden
edged red petals makes an ideal garden companion and lovely long stemmed cut
flower. Selected by SOC founder Alan Kapuler in honor of Frances Hoffman, a
great horticulturist and champion of biodiversity SOLD OUT
~Calendula (Calendula officinalis) Annual. Native to southern Europe. Calendula
flowers are the premier antiseptic and healing agent when made into salve,
succus, tincture, or simply masticated and applied to the injury.
Inhibits inflammation, promotes formation of granulation tissue in
wounds. The flowers, when boiled, yield a bright yellow-orange dye.
~Yarrow (limited to One per person) Perennial—Mix.
All the good traits of yarrow, but in irresistible colors. The large flower
clusters are in reality made up of scores of tiny daisies, last a long time and
bloom until very cold weather. SOLD OUT
~Moldavian Balm Dragonhead (4 per pot) (Dracocephalum
moldavicum) Native to Europe. The flowers are very long
lasting, bright purple, proportionally large to the plant, and shaped
outrageously like the toothed head of a dragon. This is a superior tea herb
that can be started by direct seeding in the garden. Easy germination, fast
growth, and minty tasting leaves typify this old-time medicinal that is used
for treating the common cold.
~German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) Annual
or overwintering annual. This is the delightfully aromatic Chamomile of
tea fame. Perfect for gentle bedtime sedation or for treating stomachache.
Plant prefers full sun and regular garden soil. SOLD OUT
~Borage (Borago
officinalis) Annual or overwintering annual. Native to
the Mediterranean. This vigorous self-seeder would seem weedy if it were
less pretty. Plant prefers full sun to part shade and moist soils. SOLD OUT
~Lemon Balm (Melissa
officinalis) Herbaceous perennial. Native to the Mediterranean. This is a
classic medicinal tea herb. Assists in controlling high blood pressure,
migraines, hysteria, melancholia, goiter, hyperthyroidism and Grave’s disease. SOLD OUT
~Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica)
Herbaceous perennial. Native to temperate climates world-wide. Used together as
spring vegetables, salad or tea, the fresher the better, they cleanse and build
the blood. Nettles is especially rich in trace minerals, potassium and the
blood-like molecule known as chlorophyll. Wait until the little Nettles are
four inches high or so, and snip them off. They must be lightly steamed to
disarm their stinging hairs. SOLD OUT
~Burdock, Gobo (Arctium lappa) Biennial native to temperate Europe and Asia. Extraordinary nutritive and
blood-cleansing properties. Burdock seeds sown in the spring or summer
will produce diggable roots by late summer that can be harvested through
the winter. The root has similar sweetness to the carrot,
with an earthy flavor. As a medicinal herb, the seeds, root, or
leaf may be eaten fresh, cooked in soups, pickled, dried, made into tea,
decoction or tincture and used as needed.
~Marsh Mallow (Limited to one per person) (Althaea officinalis)
African native. The original source of an Egyptian confection which evolved
into today's marshmallows. The roots and velvety leaves have been eaten as a
vegetable for centuries, often fried with onion and garlic. 3-4 foot stems of
1-2 inch, white-to-pink flowers are reminiscent of hollyhocks, to which this
plant is related. The plant is also renowned in various folk cultures for its
reputed medicinal properties. SOLD OUT
~Evening Primrose (Oenothera
biennis) Self-seeding overwintering annual or biennial.
Native to Europe and North America. This herb is very drought tolerant, bravely
producing bloom after yellow, mucilaginous bloom in the evenings, despite
sun-baked conditions. The seed is high in gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an
intermediate in the synthesis of prostaglandins. Some women report alleviation
of PMS by eating the plant and the seeds. The flowers especially make a tasty
addition to salads. SOLD OUT
~Red Bergamot (Limited to one per Person) (Monarda didyma) (Bee Balm, Oswego Tea, Red Bergamot)
Rare. The red-flowered Bergamot, highly aromatic and decorative, is surely one
of the most striking of Native American wild plants, with a long history of use
in medicine. The tea or tincture of the plant is delightfully tasty, a general
carminative and digestive, also useful for treating the common cold and
crabiness. Plant prefers sun to part shade and rich, deeply spaded soil of
garden, pasture, field, or edge of woodland. Transplant to 1 foot apart.
These grow well in colonies and will perennialize in most gardens. SOLD OUT
~Lavender Bergamot (Limted to one per person)(Monarda
fistulosa) Herbaceous perennial native to western united
states. Makes tight clusters of lavender, long-tubed flowers that attract
hummingbirds and children to nibble. Fantastic fresh cut flower and tasty tea
herb. Transplant to 1 foot apart. OPEN POLLINATED
~Lemon Bergamot (Limited to one per person)(Monarda citriodora)(Lemon
Mint, Purple Horse Mint, Horsemint)
The flowers and decorative bracts are colored outrageously purple, blooming May
to August, occurring in multiple dense whorls on the square stems, attracting
butterflies, hummingbirds and herbalists to the garden. The leaves are
deliciously lemon-scented. Open Pollinated SOLD OUT
~Yellow Dotted Bergamot (Limited to one per person) (Monarda punctata) (Yellow
Dotted Mint, horsemint) Biennial or shortlived perennial native to the Eastern
US. The plant has yellow flowers dotted with purple, as well as very
decorative display of bracts in tiered whorls. Native Americans are very
fond of this plant as a tea, and the herb has a long history of use as an
antispasmodic for treating common cold, stomach cramps, coughs,
etc. Potent source of Thymol. Plant prefers full sun to part
shade, forest soils or garden soils. SOLD OUT
*Disclaimer- Please seek professional medical advice before using medicinal
herbs. It is the policy Melody
Acres Hobby Farm not to advise or recommend herbs for medicinal or health
use. The information presented is
intended for educational purposes only and should not be considered as a
recommendation or an endorsement of any particular medical or health treatment.
In accordance with the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, authors or
speakers at Melody Acres Hobby Farm may quote scientific literature, ethnic or
historic literature and may cite how they personally use herbs. However, none of
the information published/presented may serve as a recommendation or an
endorsement of any particular medical or health treatment. Melody Acres Hobby
Farm is not liable for any decision made or actions taken or not taken due to
use of materials published and/ or presented.
We believe in sustainable permaculture. Our
collaboration with nature provides organic seedlings and food that give back to
our health and the health of our planet. We are always learning and growing!
Thank you for shopping locally and
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